The Spearhead-class: US Navy's Expeditionary Fast Transport Ships


How the navy transport its naval equipment, vehicle and troops is truly amazing. Imagine a world where the boundaries of speed, efficiency, and functionality are continuously pushed, where the ocean becomes a highway for the fastest, most advanced vessels. This is the Spearhead Class transport ship, a ship that uses twin hull to carry everything on the sea.

The Spearhead Class transport ship, formally known as Expeditionary Fast Transport (EPF), is something for the US Navy. This ship, designed and constructed by Austal USA, is an embodiment of speed, flexibility, and adaptability. Boasting a shallow draft of just fifteen feet, the Spearhead Class is capable of accessing ports and waterways that are off-limits to larger, deeper-draft ships. This feature alone offers unprecedented strategic advantages, opening up a myriad of operational possibilities. Yet, the benefits of the Spearhead Class transport ship extend far beyond its impressive navigational capabilities. The ship's expansive mission bay and flight deck provide ample space for a variety of missions, from humanitarian assistance and disaster response to maritime law enforcement and military operations.

But what truly sets the Spearhead Class apart is its speed. With a top speed of over forty knots, it is one of the fastest ships in the US Navy's fleet. This high-speed transport vessel is equipped with four MTU 20V8000 M71L diesel engines, each delivering over nine thousand horsepower. With such power, the Spearhead Class can rapidly deliver troops and equipment to hotspots around the globe, a critical advantage in today's fast-paced operational environment.

The initial critical design review (ICDR) for the EPF program was completed by May 2009. The first three vessels were named USNS Spearhead (T-EPF-1), USNS Vigilant (T-EPF-2), and USNS Fortitude (T-EPF-3). USNS Spearhead was launched in September 2011 and formally handed over to the US Navy in December 2012.

This ship can transport U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps company-sized units with their vehicles or be reconfigured as a troop transport for an infantry battalion. The EPF has a flight deck for helicopters and a load ramp for quick vehicle access. The mission bay is a convertible 20,000 square feet area that can be loaded to carry any cargo. Although designed for a military crew of 46, the ships usually operate with a crew of 26. The passenger room contains reclining seats with overhead televisions and racks for weapons and equipment. Each vessel has 104 permanent berthing spaces. Without resupply, it can support 312 embarked personnel for four days or 104 personnel for 14 days

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